Wire Transfers
Looking for a fast, guaranteed way to pay? Our wire transfer services allow you to speed up your payment by transferring funds electronically — on the same day.
Transferring Funds
Transfer guaranteed funds electronically on the same day your payee needs them. Our wire transfers can be sent to external accounts, even internationally. And, you can also set up scheduled wires to automate your payment systems.
We know that sometimes business can't wait. Our wire transfers have been designed with the speed of your business in mind. We speed up collection and crediting procedures by transferring funds electronically on the same day you put in your request, so your vendors don't have to wait for their payments.
There's no one payment solution for every business, so we offer lots of choices when it comes to wire transfers. We can handle repetitive, non-repetitive, or pre-scheduled wire transfers. If you'd like to drawdown money from a customer's account via a reverse wire transfer, we can do that, too. Plus, we also offer sweep and batch wires.
We can send your guaranteed funds almost anywhere. Wires can be sent domestically or internationally. And, if you're paying someone internationally, we can send the funds in U.S. dollars or a foreign currency — whatever works best for you and your payee.
Ready to Connect?
Our business bankers are ready and waiting to discuss your business needs. You can call them at 800-583-0709, visit one of our banking centers or schedule an appointment.